Formation of Gallstones and its Treatment: Get to know more!

The gallbladder is a tiny organ underneath the liver in the upper right abdomen. Bile is a greenish-yellow liquid that aids digestion and is kept in this pouch. Your gallbladder normally has problems when something, such as a gallstone, is obstructing its bile duct. Most gallstones are caused by the hardening of bile-derived chemicals like cholesterol. Gallstones are often asymptomatic and quite prevalent. According to a reliable source, only 10% of those with gallstones will experience symptoms within five years. Gallstones Symptoms and Signs The right upper abdomen or the middle of the stomach may hurt due to gallstones. Eating fried or high-fat foods may cause gallbladder pain, although this can happen nearly any time. Pain related to Gallstone lasts for a few hours, but it can be extremely painful. Symptoms · High temperature · Raised heartbeat · ...